Monday, February 3, 2014

White Crowned Sparrow

Sparrows are difficult - in a birding sense. They're small, they're brown, each has a few defining characteristics to help identify these little suckers. White Crowned Sparrows are everywhere here! I'm always trying to identify new birds, and with sparrows I constantly have to grab my binoculars to get a closer look.
Watching these little guys is pretty fun. The adults have a striking white crown on their heads, while the juveniles are less flashy with brown stripes along their head. The ones I photographed should get their white crown this spring.

Small birds are just plain cute, when they ruffle their feathers and get that poofy, fat bird look. It's irresistible, at least to me. : )

Keep an eye out for these fun little sparrows. They have range across all of North America, at least some time during the year. 

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