Hello everyone!
I'm a college student, research intern, military spouse and avid birder. My husband and I recently moved from Ohio to Idaho and I love living in this beautiful state.
I have always been a birder, thanks to my wonderful parents who instilled in me a great appreciation for the natural world. My mom used to take countless pictures of birds, and I always remember having a bird book in the house. Because of these influences, I have been travelling through life taking in all the natural wonders around me, including birds!
My birding obsession really kicked off in 2010, when I decided to start listing my bird sightings. Many birders might tell you that the birding game really changes when you start listing. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. For me, it really brought a new light to birding, I pay way more attention to all birds, everywhere. I'm on a constant journey to learn about birds and I love the knowledge I get by just getting outside and observing birds!
I hope you enjoy this blog about my birding journey!
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