Saturday, May 31, 2014

Backyard Birds

There is no lack of excitement going on in our backyard. I guess when you live in a oasis of trees in the middle of a desert, migrants are going to want to take a break. And I like to think the bird word has gotten around...there's always tons to eat at our place!
I just wanted to catch up on some of the awesome birds we've been seeing in our yard since the temperature really warmed up. My first favorites are the hummingbirds. I put out nectar really early because I didn't want to miss any early birds (haha, get it?) passing through. Snag 'em early, hopefully keep them all summer long!
So far, we've had three species of hummingbird (out of four possible). Up above is the adorable female Rufous Hummingbird. Trying to figure out the Oriole Feeder. And below the Black-chinned on the left and Calliope (!!!) on the right. When the Calliope showed up, I squealed like a child.

Then came the Lazuli Buntings! Such a beautiful blue bird, we welcomed him to our yard...


...then we welcomed all his friends. ; )  We had Indigo Buntings out east, and they never came to our feeders.

 I guess we have bugs, because a Western Kingbird has been hanging out. OMG, our fence is nasty. I'll have you know I spray that thing off twice a week. The fence tends to look like a soup kitchen line, for birds. But, I digress.

Then Western Tanagers starting singing, pit-er-ick, which I thought was a broken American Robin until I figured out the real culprit. And finally they arrived in droves and even came into the yard to feast on moths.

We've even have a male and female Black-headed grosbeak! They usually visit the feeders twice a day.

Songbirds galore. But, we have our share of raptors. Like this pair of Swainson's Hawks that fly overhead at least once a day me? the owls? life in general? Who knows, but they sure can make a racket. 

There are a handful of birds I skipped, because they deserve a post all on their own. Keep birding!

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