Monday, April 28, 2014

An Owlet

Remember when those two Great Horned Owls in our backyard...ahem, got together? Well, their birdy union had me anticipating the fuzzy owlets.
Finally, I got a picture of the little guy. There was only one that I could find, but watching him explore is such a treat!

So cute, I can barely stand it. Of course, an adult was sitting pretty close by. Probably ready to rip my head of if I got to close. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Birding Boise: Kathryn Albertson Park

At a recent visit to Kathryn Albertson Park in Boise, we found a Red-breasted Nuthatch working hard on a cavity. A birding group had been talking and posting pictures of it for a while, but we hadn't had success in finding it! Finally we got to see it in action.

It was a nice afternoon and a herd of mule deer were taking a nap just along the trail.

I even managed to get some good pictures of a Black-capped Chickadee. I usually don't find chickadees to be so cooperative, but this one just sat and posed.

And finally, we found another bird the birding group had been buzzing about. It took 30 minutes to track this one down, but we finally found this new lifer, a Western Screech Owl. It was doing a great job blending in with the Russian Olive tree is was sleeping in.